How to get married at Gretna Green page 1
Gretna Gretna Green Anvil Wedding Rings Can Be Found Here
How to get married at Gretna Green in 2023. For many years now Gretna Green has been one of the top spots to get married in the UK, and for many is regarded as the wedding capital on the Scottish borders.
It needs a bit of preparation beforehand which is why I have put together this quick guide on what to do.

Part 1. Book a date (and be flexible in the days).
It is very important to make a start as soon as you can for your wedding. Choose a rough date and look around the different venues there are to be married in. Make a note of phone numbers and give them all a call.
You will find a wide variety of prices and you may not get the dates you are after so this is where you need to be flexible.
This is particularly important as there is a high demand for certain times of the year i.e. Valentines, Christmas or notable dates like 24/4/24.
When a religious ceremony is being planned, whether it be in a church or hotel, you should also remember to contact the minister or clergyman who will conduct the ceremony.
For a civil marriage, you should make advance arrangements with the Registrar.
The choice of venues for civil marriage ceremonies is now much wider and the local Council have the power to approve places where civil marriages can be conducted by registrars.
Don’t forget If your reception is in another place make sure you can get the same dates.
Apart from the regular items to sort out such as wedding rings, wedding dress, best man/woman (yes don’t forget to ask him/her), cake and flowers there is the M10 legal form that needs to be filled in. Links to the M10 form can be found in page 2.

Part 2. Conditions you both need to meet to get Married.
Any two persons, regardless of where they live can be married provided that the following conditions are met.
A - Both persons must be at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage
B - They are not related within any of the forbidden degrees of relationship
C - They are free to marry
D - They are capable of understanding the nature of the marriage ceremony and of consenting to marriage
E - The marriage would be recognised as valid in any foreign country to which either party belongs
Gretna Gretna Green Anvil Wedding Rings Can Be Found Here